Navigation: Doc Remedy / HellahMentals / Scenic Route and the Sun Gods
Prhymal Rage founders, Doc Remedy & HellahMentals do a large amount of behind the scenes production, engineering and work for the Prhymal Rage team, which is why it’s been 8 years since they have released music as a duo! Their Mothership EP changes that and sets the tone to drop new material every equinox. Self produced but featuring bass by Greg David (of Big Bang Theory), bass and guitar by Chris Gillooly, Jacob Rockwell (of Big Bang Theory) and Smoke Screen (Chemist & Mooke Da God). Enjoy the live, grassroots soundscape!
Scenic Route and the Sun Gods – Mothership EP
Digital & Streaming
Amazon / Apple Music / Bandcamp / Deezer / Google Play / Spotify / *HyperFollow (All Digital Retailers)
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Scenic Route “Sephiroth Tree” Shirt